Malaysia Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO)     

The MSPO Certification Scheme is the national sheme in Malaysia for oil palm plantations, independent smallholders and organised smallholding like FELDA, FELCRA, RISDA, SALCRA, SLDB and palm oil processing facilities to be certified against the requirements of the MSPO standards.

Principle and criteria of MSPO is the MS 2530: 2013 series of standards issued by the Department of Standards Malaysia (DSM).

Bio Angle Green will fully assist smallholders or organized smallholders to obtain the certificated.

Who need this certification?

General Principles for Oil Palm Plantations and Organised Smallholders

Principle 1 : Management commitment and responsibility

  1. MSPO policy is in place.
  2. Internal audit shall be conducted periodically.
  3. Management review to ensure adequacy and effectiveness of MSPO implementation.
  4. Continual improvement plan in place.

Principle 2 : Transparency

  1. Relevant information and documents made public.
  2. Procedures for consultation and communication with stakeholders established.
  3. Implement procedures for traceability of

Principle 3 : Compliance to legal requirements

  1. Compliance with applicable laws and requaltions.
  2. Land use and customary land rights shall be respected.
  3. Legal ownership of land demonstrated.
  4. Free,Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) in place.

Principle 4 : Social responsibility, health, safety and employment conditions

  1. Social Impact Assessment (SIA) conducted.
  2. Complaints and grievances mechanism in place.
  3. Commitment to contribute to local sustainable development.
  4. Employment conditions establised.
  5. Appropriate training is provided.

Principle 5 : Enviroment, natural resources, biodiversity & ecosystem serviices

  1. Enviromental Management Plan (EMP) in place.
  2. Efficiency of energy use and use of renewable energy.
  3. Reduction of pollution and emission including greenhouse gases.
  4. Water management plan to maintain the qualilty and availability of water resources.
  5. Identification of high biodiversity value areas and rare, threatened or endagened ecosystems of species.
  6. Zero burning practices for waste disposal and land.

Principle 6 : Best practices

  1. Site management to implement best practices.
  2. Economic and financial viability plan implemented.
  3. Contractors shall understand and comply with MSPO

Principle 7 : Development of new planting

  1. No planting on lands with high bioderversity value.
  2. No conversion of Environmentally Sensitive Area’s (ESA’s).
  3. New plantings and replanting on peat lands can be developed as per Malaysians Palm Oil Board (MPOB) guidelines & industry best practices.
  4. Comprehensive Social and Enviromental Impact Assessment (SEIA) conducted prior to new plantings.
  5. Adequate information on soil types and topography needed of new plantings.
  6. Extensive planting on steep areas and fragile soils avoided.
  7. Recognize customary land rights and land owners through Free, Prior and Informed and Consent (FPIC).